→ changes Part 1 (second dev server)

This blog post will be about the changes made to Second Dvserver on, when it was released onto gw2servers without any announcement or warning in-game and how players were affected by them, leading up to its eventual removal on 2.13 this past Wednesday afternoon with no explanation given as of yet.,
It also mentions that they are still examining some bugs related to the new update which may cause problems for those playing since then due to possible server lag or other similar issues.. → changes Part 1 (second dev server)

warthunder 1 - → changes Part 1 (second dev server)

https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/r9c4zc/212014 212016 changes/ Previous one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/r9c4zc/212014 212016 changes/

Part 1 (second dev server): modifications

  • Vehicles that are new:
    • MiG-23MF (Mig-23MF) (GER)
      • Tier VII
      • 11.0
      • vehicle pack / hidden event
      • SL – 2330 / 4950 / 17.860 SL – 2330 / 4950 / 17.860 SL – 2330 / 4950 / 17.
    • 43 Ro (IT)
    • 202D C. (IT)
      • Tier II
      • 2.3
      • premium bundle / hidden event
      • SL 570, 600, and 900 rep cost
    • CJ Mirage III (ISR)
      • Tier VII
      • / / / / / / / / / / / / /
      • after the Sa’ar
      • RP 340.000
      • SL 930.000
      • 1890 / 5190 / 14.330 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
    • C.7 Kfir (ISR)
      • Tier VII
      • 11.0/11.30/11.30/11.30/11.30/11.30/11.30/11.30/11.30/11
      • After the Mirage III CJ
      • RP 390.000
      • SL 1.060.000
      • 1890 / 5190 / 14.330 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
    • N Vautour II (ISR)
      • Tier V
      • / / / / / / / / / / / / /
      • after the Vautour II A
      • RP 150.000
      • SL 420.000
      • 7000 / 7590 / 38.690 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
  • Vehicles installed without economic data in the initial dev server:
    • F-4J is a kind of fighter jet (US)
      • Tier VII
      • 11.0
      • following the F-8E
      • RP 390.000
      • SL 1.060.000
      • SL – 2950 / 6020 / 34.020 stock rep cost
    • 201K Pr (USSR)
      • Tier IV
      • 3.3
      • vehicle pack / hidden event
      • 3560 / 5930 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
    • Eugenio di Savoia was born in the town of Savoia in the province of Sa (IT)
      • Tier IV
      • 5.3
      • It is recommended that you do so after Trento, although it is not needed.
      • hidden
      • RP 120.000
      • SL 360.000
      • 14.640 / 20.170 SL stock rep cost
    • 5 F Mirage (FR)
      • Tier VII
      • 10.3/10.7/10.8/10.9/10.9/10.9/10.9/10.9/10.9/10
      • after the Jaguar A
      • RP 340.000
      • SL 930.000
      • 1340 / 4520 / 12.660 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
    • A through H (ISR)
      • Tier VI
      • 8.0, 8.7, and 9.3
      • after the Ouragan
      • RP 180.000
      • SL 500.000
      • SL – 2680 / 3620 / 20.370 SL – 2680 / 3620 / 20.370 SL – 2680 / 3620 / 20
    • A-4N is an abbreviation for “ad (ISR)
      • Tier VI
      • 9.3
      • early on after the A-4E
      • RP 270.000
      • SL 740.000
      • SL: 2030 / 2740 / 15.450 SL: 2030 / 2740 / 15.450 SL: 2030 / 2740 / 15.450 SL:
  • S.199 – The RP cost has been abolished, and the item is now accessible for purchase after the ISR tree has been opened.
  • Su-22M3 – USSR Syria statcard flag
  • Meteor NF. Mk. 13 – statcard crew: 1 2.
  • No longer hidden: N Vautour II (FR), Challenger 2 (TES), M41D, Kerch (cruiser).
  • Armour stats for Bkan 1C:
    • hull – 70 mm, 30 mm, 20 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm, 15 mm
    • turret – 70 / 30 / 25 mm turret – 70 / 30 / 25 mm turret – 70 / 30 / 25 mm turret – 70 / 30
  • Von der Tann and Scharnhorst split out into two branches.
  • GE premium event / pack premium Hayanami
  • Raimondo Montecuccoli – it, as well as everything else, has been relocated to a different branch, and the Trento is no longer needed.
  • Changes to BR:
    • 10.3 / 11.0 / 11.0 MiG-21bis (SAU) – 11.0 / 11.3 / 11.3 MiG-21bis (SAU) – 10.3 / 11.0 / 11.0 MiG-21bis (SAU) – 10.3 / 11.0 / 11.0 Mi
    • 6.7 Scharnhorst 6.3 Scharnhorst Scharnhorst Scharnhorst Scharnhor
  • Changes in the economy:
    • Early A-4E (ISR), Raleigh (CL-7), Trenton (CL-11), Brooklyn (CL-40), Cleveland (CL-55), Pensacola (CA-24), Northampton (CA-26), New Orleans (CA-32), Portland (CA-33), Admiral Hipper (CL-7), Trenton (CL-11), Brooklyn (CL-40), Cleveland (CL-55), Pensacola (CA-24), Northampton (CA-26), New Orleans (CA-32), Portland (CA-33), Admiral Hipper (CA-32 – stock repair prices decreased significantly, but mod repair cost coefficients rose little.
    • Mod prices have decreased since the F-8E, Jaguar A, and Challenger 2 (2F) are no longer end-of-the-line vehicles.
    • Early A-4E (ISR)
      • RP 180.000 – 220.000
      • SL 500.000 – 590.000
      • 140.000 SL – 170.000 SL – 140.000 SL – 140.000 SL – 140.000 SL
      • 500.000 SL – 590.000 SL experienced crew
      • ace crew – 890.000 / 2200 RP / 2400 GE ace crew – 890.000 / 2200 RP / 2400 GE ace crew – 890.000 / 2200 RP
      • 2.14 – 2.2 RP multiplier
      • The cost of mods has risen.
    • Late A-4E (ISR)
      • 810.000 SL – 970.000 SL experienced crew
      • ace crew – 1.780.000 / 2200 RP / 2400 GE ace crew – 1.900.000 RP / 2400 GE ace crew – 1.900.000 RP / 2400 GE ace crew –
      • 2.14 – 2.2 RP multiplier
    • Bkan 1C, Nesher S
      • Tier III mod prices for RP, SL, and GE have been reduced.
      • Every other Tier’s GE costs increased.
    • Mod expenses for Sa’ar have been reduced.
    • Mod prices have risen in Challenger 2 (TES).
    • Raleigh (CL-7), Trenton (CL-11), Brooklyn (CL-40), Cleveland (CL-55), Pensacola (CA-24), Northampton (CA-26), New Orleans (CA-32), Portland (CA-33), Admiral Hipper
      • Tier IV mod prices for RP, SL, and GE have been reduced.
      • Every other Tier’s GE costs increased.
    • Scharnhorst
      • RP = 380.000 RP = 320.000 RP = 380.000 RP = 320.000 RP =
      • 990.000 SL 790.000 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL
      • SL – 280.000 SL – 230.000 SL – 280.000 SL – 230.000 SL – 28
      • 990.000 SL – 990.000 SL – 790.000 SL – 790.000 SL – 790.000 SL –
      • 830.000 / 2000 / 780.000 RP / 1800 GE ace crew
      • 2.08 2.02 RP multiplier
      • Modification expenses have been reduced.
  • Raleigh (CL-7), Detroit (CL-8), Trenton (CL-11), Brooklyn (CL-40), Helena (CL-50), Cleveland (CL-55), Pensacola (CA-24), Northampton (CA-26), New Orleans (CA-32), Portland (CA-33), Admiral Hipper acquired the new scout planes mechanic (aside from the Scharnhorst from the initial dev server).
  • New missions in Israel’s Golan Heights.
  • New test flights – Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel (all ISR aircraft were switched to these from Sinai)
  • New tank decorations, each worth 500 GE and restricted to 2 per player:
  • There’s a new Report an Issue button that takes you to https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder.
  • Hydroplane smoke screen activation is a new button.
  • Texts added to the user interface:
    • A ship that belonged to you has been sunk!
    • You’ll park your plane here.
    • The owner’s ship has caught fire!
    • The ship that belongs to you is sinking!
    • Torpedoes target the owner’s ship.
  • New shells and weapons:
    • GBU-8
    • AIM-7F
    • R-60MK
    • HE-VT 3OF25 (PF)
    • HE-VT zonar m/65
    • SM-21-ZIF 45 mm/89
  • The AN/ASG-19 is a new radar.
  • Changes to the text:
    • YooMoney Yandex.Money Yandex.Money Yandex.Money Yandex.Money Yand
    • 5th Rank Tank in the United States Rank V or higher Tank in the United States
    • Aircraft or helicopter with a rank of 5th or higher in the United States Rank V or higher in the United States Aircraft or helicopter with a rank of 5th or higher in the United States Aircraft or helicopter with a rank of 5th or higher in the United
    • … (for helicopter unlocks)
    • 4th rank aircraft in the United States Rank IV or higher aircraft in the United States
    • … (for ISR air tree unlocks)
  • Unlock condition texts have been removed:
    • Class to be targeted
    • The target’s distance
    • Your team’s top score must be yours.
  • New loading backdrops – Scharnhorst, Type 10 (which seems to be deactivated).
  • In the hangar, there’s a new female technician.
  • Changes in the FX
  • New game settings include:
    • 1 “rendinstDistMultMinForRTMult”: “rendinstDistMultMinForRTMult”: “rendinstDistM
    • “rendinstImpostorAlbedoRtSizeMult”: 2 “rendinstImpostorAlbedoRtSizeMult”: 2 “rendinstIm
    • 1 “rocketArcadeTimeLifeMult”: “rocketArcadeTimeLifeMult”: “rocketArcadeTime
    • scout aircraft
      • returnTimerAfterOwnerDead (returnTimerAfterOwnerDead): 45
  • Sound of the new engine:
    • RD9
    • RD9 (AB)
    • AL21
    • AL21 is an acronym for “Alternative (AB)
    • Pegasus
    • R28
    • J85
    • J85 (AB)
    • TF40
    • TF40 is a TF40 is a (AB)
    • J52P
    • J34WE
    • Atar
    • Atar is a word that comes to mind when (AB)
    • as well as AI counterparts
  • On the following aircraft, the sight range coefficient has been doubled (like on live some days ago) – A-7 (all), F-4E, F-5E, F-4F late, F-4F late, F-4F late, F-4F late, F-4F late, F-4F late, F-4 F-4EJ, Jaguar GR. 1A, MiG-27M Kai, Jaguar A, AH-1 (all), AH-64 (all), Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-35M, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-35M, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-35M, Ka-50, Ka-52, Ka A129 (all), EC-665 (all), SA 341F, SA 342M, Apache AH. Mk. 1, G-LYNX, Lynx AH. Mk. 1, A129 (all), EC-665 (all), SA 341F, SA 342M.
  • Engine sound: engine05 J52P for A-4E (all), A-4H, and A-4N.
  • Engine sound: engine25 Pegasus AV-8 (all), Harrier (all).
  • Engine sound for the F2H-2 is engine23 J34WE.
  • engine05 J34WE – F3D-1, P-59A – engine sound
  • F-4J
    • CCRP has been added for bombs.
    • ILS was added to the cockpit.
    • F-4EJ J79GE engine sound (AB)
    • AN/APQ-100 AN/APG-59 AN/APQ-100 AN/APQ-100 AN/APQ-100 AN/APQ-100 AN/APQ
    • The AN/APR-25 RWR is currently in stock.
    • Its 20 mm belts have been included as a Tier I mod.
    • As a Tier III upgrade, it has added its new 20 mm cannon.
    • CM has been included as a Tier I mod.
    • SUU-23/A mod has been uninstalled.
    • Modifications to the AGM-12 have been deleted.
    • Tier III II LAU-3/A mod
    • Modifications to the AIM-9B have been deleted.
    • Modifications to the AIM-9E have been deleted.
    • Modifications to the AIM-7D have been deleted.
    • AIM-9D has been introduced as a Tier I mod.
    • AIM-9G has been introduced as a Tier II mod.
    • AIM-7E-2 has been introduced as a Tier III mod.
    • AIM-7F has been introduced as a Tier IV mod.
    • There are 48 new loadouts, but only 21 are in use; the ones that aren’t are various AAM combinations.
  • Nene (AB) J85 F-5A (all) – engine sound (AB).
  • Engine sound: engine23 J85 F-5E, G.91 YS (AB).
  • Nothing drops independently in HVAR loadouts anymore except F7F-3 and F8F (all).
  • F-105D
    • 1400 – 800 km/h effective elevator speed
    • 1.1 1 Elevator power loss
    • The arrestor hook is no longer in control.
    • The drag of the flaps and the horizontal stabiliser has been reduced.
    • Base multiplier for WEP enhancement – 1.1 1.12
    • TAS – afterburner thrust coefficient increases at 3 km 1400-3000 km/h
    • TAS – afterburner thrust coefficient increases at 6 km 1400-3000 km/h
    • TAS – thrust and torque coefficient increased at 6 km 2400-2600 km/h TAS – thrust and torque coefficient increased
    • TAS – afterburner thrust coefficient increases at 9 km 1800-3000 km/h
    • TAS – afterburner thrust coefficient increases at 10.5 km 600, 1000, 1800-3000 km/h
    • Every speed – thrust and torque coefficient increased at 10.5 km
    • J57P J57P J57P J57P J57P J57P J57P J57P J57P J57 (AB)
    • RWR has been added to the cockpit MFD.
    • NASARR AN/ASG-19 radar altered (only if RWR is not installed)
    • AN/ALE-2 chaff pods have been inserted, though they have yet to be used.
  • SOC-1 is no longer able to regulate the flaps.
  • KOR-1 — the gunner and his turret were installed.
  • Nene (AB) RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 (AB).
  • R-60 R-60MK – MiG-21SMT, MiG-21bis (all) (at least in some of the loadouts).
  • MiG-27K — the MFD now has a TV tracker sensor.
  • Engine sound: engine23 AL21 Su-7 (all), Su-17M2 (AB).
  • engine05 Jumo 004 Su-9 – engine sound
  • Su-11 – engine sound: twin Jumo 004 (engine 23).
  • Engine sound for Yak-38 (all): engine23 R28.
  • Mk. I Walrus
    • Flaps are no longer under control.
    • The gasoline tanks aren’t self-sealing any more.
  • E7K2
    • turret on the back:
      • -1° / 1° – -5° / 5° horizontal limits
      • –10° / 5° –10° / 15° vertical limits
    • turret on the ventral side:
      • -15° / 15° – -20° / 20° horizontal limits
      • –8° / -30° –25° / -5° vertical limitations
  • Bombs for E8N2 are now dropped individually.
  • E13A1
    • FPS view of the gunner has been provided.
    • turret:
      • -1° / 1° – -5° / 5° horizontal limits
      • –10° / 5° –10° / 15° vertical limits
    • empty – default loadout – 4x 60 kg
    • new loadouts that haven’t been utilized yet:
    • The visible breakoff points for the wings and tail have shifted.
  • engine23 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 TF40 (AB).
  • engine23 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD9 RD (AB).
  • Engine sound: engine05 J85 for G.91 pre-series, G.91 R (all), Saab 105 (all), Sk 60B.
  • Vautour (all), Étendard IV M – engine sound: engine05 Atar
  • Nene (AB) Atar Mirage III (all) – engine sound (AB).
  • 36x SNEB Type 23 – fresh, unused loadout for Mirage 5.
  • Atar, Nesher, Sa’ar, and Sambad – engine sound: engine23 (AB).
  • Nesher
    • it now has its own cockpit
    • Mk. 83 – Tier IV III Mk. 83 – Tier IV III Mk. 83 – Tier IV III M
    • SUU-23/A has been included as a Tier III mod.
    • 20 mm belts have been introduced as a Tier IV patch.
    • new loadouts include:
      • 2x 20 mm
      • 2x AIM-9D + 2x 20 mm
      • 2x AIM-9G + 2x 20 mm
      • 2x Shafrir 2 + 2x 20 mm
    • 76x 2.75-inch FFAR Mk. 4 + 1x 2000 pounds + 2x AIM-9D 76x 2.75-inch FFAR Mk. 4 + 1x 2000 lbs + 2x AIM-9D
    • M117 cone 90 750 pounds M117 cone 45 750 lbs M117 cone 90
  • Nene Atar provides the engine sound for the Super Mystère B2.
  • Vautour II A (all) – the possibility to create user skins was disabled.
  • Vautour II N
    • It now has its own FM file to work with.
    • additional pilot has been added
    • AN/APQ-126 radar has been added.
    • AN/APR-36 RWR has been added.
    • DEFA 551 mm DEFA 552 mm DEFA 551 mm DEFA 552 mm DEFA 551 mm DEFA 552 mm DEFA 5
    • Modifications to the Matra T10 140 have been deleted.
    • Modifications to Matra T10 151 have been deleted.
    • The Matra SNEB mod has been uninstalled.
    • Modification to SBC-17 has been deleted.
    • The LBC-25 mod has been deleted.
    • Matra Type 61 has been included as a Tier I mod.
    • Matra Type 104A has been introduced as a Tier II mod.
    • Matra Type 116 has been included as a Tier III mod.
    • AA.20 has been introduced as a Tier II mod.
    • AS.30 has been introduced as a Tier IV mod.
    • Type 25C has been included as a Tier I mod.
    • Type 21B has been included as a Tier III mod.
    • 24 new loadouts have been introduced.
  • A-4E early (ISR)
    • The MFD now has a target tracker and a thermal view.
    • DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 5
  • A-4H
    • It now has its own FM file to work with.
    • It had the radar removed from its MFD.
    • DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 552 DEFA 5
    • Modifications to the CM, rocket, bomb, and missile have been eliminated.
  • A-4N
    • It now has its own cockpit with ILS.
    • Tier I – II CM – CM – CM – CM – CM –
    • RWR has been introduced as a Tier I mod.
    • Modifications to Mk. 81 have been deleted.
    • Mk. Tier II I (82 points)
    • M117 has been introduced as a Tier III mod.
    • Modifications to the AIM-9B have been deleted.
    • Shafrir 2 has been introduced as a Tier III mod.
    • AIM-9D has been introduced as a Tier IV mod.
    • Tier II I – LAU-3/A
    • Tier IV I – AGM-62A
    • AGM-65A has been introduced as a Tier III mod.
    • GBU-8/15 has been introduced as a Tier IV mod.
    • 61 new loadouts have been added.
    • 24x 5-inch FFAR Mk. 32 Mod. 0 + 6x 250 pounds fresh unused loadout
  • F-4E is a four-letter code that stands for (ISR)
    • The basic missile loadout has been updated to include two AIM-9B missiles and two AIM-9E missiles.
    • – 4x AIM-9E + 2x AGM-62A ER – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9E – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9E – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9E – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9
    • – 4x AIM-9P + 2x AGM-62A ER – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9P – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9P – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9P – 4x AGM-62A + 2x AIM-9
    • new loadouts include:
      • 2x AIM-9E + 2x GBU-15
      • 2x AIM-9P + 2x GBU-15
      • 2x AGM-62A ER + 4x AIM-9E
      • 2x AGM-62A ER + 4x AIM-9P
  • Engine sound for the Meteor F. Mk. 8 (ISR): engine05 twin Dervent.
  • Meteor NF. Mk. 13 now has a separate FM file.
  • New unused loadouts for the Mirage III CJ:
    • 2x 250 kg + 36 SNEB Type 23
    • 2x 250 kg + 72 SNEB Type 23
    • 2x 400 kg + 36 SNEB Type 23
    • 2x 400 kg Plus 72 SNEB Type 23
    • 1x AS.30 + 36x SNEB Type 23
    • 1x AS.30 + 72x SNEB Type 23
    • 1x AS.30
    • 2x AIM-9B + 1x AS.30
    • 2x R550 + 1x AS.30
  • New unused loadouts for the Vautour II N (ISR):


The version shown in the launcher / client is often wrong, since it ignores “hidden” updates that are downloaded in the background. is the current development version. is the current live version.

Original source: link

  • Changes from dev to dev

    The previous one may be seen at https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/m16vrx/24031 dev 2504 dev changes/. Changes between and development versions: Weapon lock has a new hotkey text (air-to-ground) Option texts have been updated: a set of countermeasures Periods of countermeasures Periods of countermeasures Virtual Reality (VR) Mode Changes to the text: belt of all-purpose countermeasures belt of all-purpose countermeasures belt of all-purpose countermeasures belt of all-purpose countermeasures belt of all Flares only Flares only Flares only Flares only Flares only Flares only Flares Priority for chaff Mixed FN HMP400 LCC countermeasures are a new upgrade. (BO 105…)

  • Changes from to (initial dev server) Part 9

    The previous one may be seen here https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/pfznsi/270223 28019 changes first dev server part 8/. The following one is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/pfzrwn/270223 28019 changes first dev server part 10/ 2.7 (first dev server) 9th part: Pb2: calibre: 88 98 mm length: 0.815 0.945 m weight: 6.125 5.31 kg explosive weight: 520 890 g weight at end of booster burn: 5.31 4.495 kg axial force coefficient…

  • Changes from to (initial dev server) Part 10

    The previous one may be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/pfzptt/270223 28019 changes first dev server part 9/. The following one is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/pfzu4o/270223 28019 changes first dev server part 11/ 2.7 (first dev server) Part ten: Type 75: weight at conclusion of booster burn – 43 30 kg dispersion – 0.3 1.5 axial force coefficient – 1.5 0.95 booster force – 34.597 29.000 N booster burn duration – 0.87…

For the game War Thunder, post “ modifications Part 1 (second dev server)”.

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