How to complete The Legend of Lugh in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

As the name might suggest, this blog post is about completing The Legend of Lugh in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. If you are unfamiliar with The Legend of Lugh, it is a video game where you are tasked with collecting various items in order to fight Lugh, the Celtic god of light, to protect the gods of Ireland. While the game is simple, the goal is to complete the game before all the stars in the sky disappear.

The Legend of Lugh is an extremely difficult game that I am not certain that I can complete. First off, it is just one of those games that requires the player to do the impossible. I am not very good at doing anything impossible. Secondly, the game has a pretty steep learning curve.

For the three years that Assassin’s Creed has existed, the game has been set in the 16th century. The game has used its time period to feature realistic clothing and architecture. The game’s look has become so iconic that many people refer to it as the game’s “uniform”.

The Legend of Lugh is a mission in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that requires you to accomplish the second set of River Raid locales. These places will have you explore areas where you can only raid the various sites along the river for equipment, supplies, and lots of resources. You will acquire this famous individual’s armor as well as their renowned spear in The Legend of Lugh. This guide will show you how to finish The Legend of Lugh.

The River Berbha Clue may be found here.

The River Clue on the River Berbha will be your first objective. You’ll need this to go to the following region, the River Erriff. We discovered the River Berbha hint near Wicker Grove and were able to solve it. This hamlet may be found in the northwest corner of the region. Clear the area, and the clue should be hidden under the earth.

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When you return to Vagn, you’ll have access to the River Erriff.

Locate all of Lugh’s armor components.

After you’ve found the River Clue, you’ll need to search the River Erriff for all three armor parts. Lugh’s bracers, greaves, and chest piece may be found all throughout the area.

Lugh’s greaves may be seen in Aasleagh Fort. It should be one of the region’s initial settlements.

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Lugh’s chest armor may be found at the beginning, on the eastern bank of the river, in the village of Derryulra.

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Lugh’s bracers at Killary Camp, a huge stronghold near to the river’s terminus on the western bank, north of Padraig Homestead, are the last component on the River Erriff.

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We don’t know whether you just need those three pieces since we already have all of Lugh’s armor. These are the parts of Lugh’s armor that you may locate on the River Berbha if you need them all. The first item you’ll need is Lugh’s helmet, which can be found at Port Lairge.

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Lugh’s disguise is the last and second piece on the River Berbha. It may be found in the Berbha Fortification, which is located farther into the area.

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Return to Vagn at your village after you’ve collected all of the parts.

The Spear of Lugh

On the River Erriff, a Champion will wield the weapon Lugh used, his spear. They may be found in Glennacally Fortress. You must loot all of the chests there, then go to the right side of the structure and dive through the tiny hole that only Eivor can fit through at the last chest. Continue down the road until you reach the end, when you’ll be confronted by a mini-boss carrying Lugh’s Spear. You’ll get the spear if you beat them.


When you have the spear, you’ll be able to go on to the next stage of the quest, which is to find The Sword of Ulfberht.

The Ulfberht Sword

The River Rhine is a new river area where you may discover hints regarding the Ulfberht Sword. To bring forth the Champion, who holds the sword, you’ll need to feat two captains. Fort Ehrenfels is home to the first captain.

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At Katzenelnbogen, the second captain is stationed.

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You must confirm the kill after beating both captains. You’ll discover that the champion with the Ulfberht Sword may be located in a Monastery on the Rhine once they’ve been vanquished. Ferrières is the precise site, since it is the river’s last village. You’ll have to fight the Frankish champion one-on-one.

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Return to Vagn after the Champion has been vanquished and the sword has been claimed. Because to your efforts, the settlements have been compelled to employ Protectors to protect these rivers. You must now fight these fearsome warriors and take their weapons.

The Legend of Lugh is a little known side quest in Assassin’s Creed: Creed Odyssey, and it’s extremely difficult. So difficult, that the only way to complete it is to backtrack through the main story, or use glitches that can sometimes be acquired. The entire quest takes place in the ruins of the city of Sparta, and requires players to solve puzzles and sneak around, and if you’ve not completed the main story, the journey to Sparta will be a daunting task.. Read more about lugh’s spear name and let us know what you think.

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