Top 10 Most Evil LoL Champions, Ranked –

The League of Legends has over 100 champions available to play. With so many options, every player can find their favorite champion and dominate the battlefield with ease. However, these 10 champions are particularly ruthless in both game and real life situations – they make it a point to ruin your day by any means necessary.

The “most evil league of legends champion” is a list of the top 10 most evil LoL champions. The list ranks them from least to most evil.

The Summoner’s Rift is teeming with strange characters.

Some people feel it is their destiny to cover the map with glitter, pleasure, and love.

There are also individuals who feel the Rift is a location where they may put their newest gadgets to the test.

There are even champions that want to transform the Rift into their own private playground:

Teemo grows shrooms almost everywhere, while Bard can’t stop himself from conjuring portals and turning fortifications into riches (saving nature, such an eco-friendly Yordle).

There are, however, champions who are considerably more…


The champions that enter the Rift just to cause havoc, devastation, and misery are the ones we’re talking about.

These champions exemplify evil at its most heinous. And I’m here to express my gratitude to these insane badasses (primarily because I don’t want to wake up to their spiteful homicidal faces).


Veigar (ten)

Veigar Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Veigar, the self-proclaimed small master of evil, would be missing from this list.

None of the League’s champions is more committed to studying the “art” of evildoing than this one.

He’s even dressed up like a fearsome supervillain to show his commitment.

Unfortunately, despite his best efforts to cause chaos, Veigar isn’t the greatest at being bad.

To begin with, he’s much too cute to be taken seriously. And his villainous attire just adds to his cuteness.

Veigar is also a complete tsundere.

Sure, he wants to ult you into oblivion, but do you know what he truly wants?

Despite his little stature, he needs a companion who will accept and appreciate him for who he is.


Vel’Koz (nine)

Vel’Koz Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Vel’Koz, like many other void beings, is hellbent on causing devastation and ruin.

Vel’Koz, on the other hand, isn’t content with just laser beaming innocent people to death.

He intends to study them, figure out their flaws, and then use that information to wipe out the living world entirely.

Yep. He’s like Thanos, but with more tentacles.

I’d place Vel’Koz higher on the list, but I can’t blame him for being bad — his monster appearance would either frighten everyone away or attract… umm, some tentacle-loving oddballs (hey, no shame in it, you do you!)


Evelynn is number eight.

Evelynn Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Flings should be enjoyable, spicy, and free of strings.

The first two traits were mentioned to Evelynn (she’s an 11/10 in bed). But what about the part about “no strings attached”? That… sort of brushed her aside.

Hooking up with this succubus will put your life in jeopardy.

She’ll first bathe you in pleasure, then in soul-destroying agony.

After all, her notion of a good night is savoring the agony and death of her prey.

Evelynn also preys on unwary ADCs in game, with a clever gank leaving the ADC’s soul permanently skewed and their KDA at 0/10.

And for those who can’t get enough of her sensual allure? She’ll prey on your pocketbook and drain your savings account.

Evelynn is a devil you don’t want to get too close to.


7. Shaco

Shaco Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Shaco, the demon jester, is now in seventh position.

Shaco’s lessons should be taken seriously by DC’s Joker.

Shaco is the stuff of nightmares, to be honest.

He’s an enchanted marionette who gets a kick out of torturing innocent souls with gruesome “games.” In other terms, he is Runeterra’s most severe sadist.

And what about Summoner’s Rift?

Every time you step into lane, you’ll be on the edge of your seat since he’s a tilt-inducing jungler.

Shaco is constantly lurking in the bushes, waiting for the right opportunity to rip your champion (and heart) to shreds.

Whoever controls Shaco must get a kick out of ruining other people’s enjoyment – or maybe they simply like his supervillain-worthy smirk.


Hecarim, no. 6

Hecarim Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Over the years, the Shadow Isles has churned forth some really heinous deeds. Hecarim, the headless horseman, is undoubtedly one of the most horrible.

Hecarim, formerly a respectable Iron Order officer, was corrupted by an insatiable desire for fame and killing.

And when the dark mist engulfed him, his thirst became even stronger.

Hecarim now lives to slay anybody who dares to enter the Shadow Isles, as well as anyone who tries to hide from his ghastly monster appearance.

Hecarim is quite wicked in-game, too, despite his lore: his movement speed makes him difficult to avoid.

Do you want to take a little step ahead in the lane? He’ll emerge out of nowhere and kill you with a single punch.

Win a one-on-one match and attempt to remember your way back to base? He’ll appear out of nowhere and slash whatever remains of your health bar.

Yep. Both in the Shadow Isles and on the Rift, Hecarim is a complete nightmare.


Nocturne (5th)

Nocturne Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The physical expression of dread, chaos, and slaughter is Nocturne. It’s no wonder, however, that this nightmare-inducing monster is a ruthless killer.

It feeds on fear, corrupts Runeterra, and imprisons people’s souls in “eternal darkness.”

Nocturne is also Freddy Krueger 2.0, since it has the ability to penetrate dreams, making it impossible to flee its insatiable drive to destroy every ounce of your psyche.

Nocturne is an uncontrollable and terrible creature you don’t want to encounter lurking under your bed (or within your dreams).


Fiddlesticks (n.)

Fiddlesticks Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Fiddlesticks, unlike other scarecrows, isn’t content with harassing the occasional bird.

He’s set his sights on… something far greater.

That is to say, all of Runeterra.

He revels in haunting the defenseless, breaking their minds and feasting on their dread. He gives scarecrow a whole new meaning.

He torments players on the Rift as well, as any League player knows.

With frightening music, haunting crows, never-ending jump scares, and a ghastly visage that shouts “I devour souls for breakfast,” he really converts the Summoner’s Rift into a DIY horror game.


3. Jhin

Jhin Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Being wicked is the new trendy in Jhin’s psychotic mentality.

He considers murder to be an art form, and he’s out to show the world how “beautiful” murder can be.

And he hasn’t yet managed to persuade anybody of its beauty.

To be honest, the way he leaves his victims’ corpses mutilated, shredded, and “displayed?” has most likely persuaded people of the contrary.

Jhin is particularly wicked since, unlike the majority of the other champions on this list, he isn’t from the abyss and his soul hasn’t been corrupted by a bad power.

He’s simply an ordinary mortal who enjoys mutilating others and the number four (which, of course, represents death).

Jhin is very extraordinary.

And an artist for whom you will not want to perform any live modeling.


2. Viego

Viego Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Any LoL fan will understand why Viego is at the top of the list.

He is the lord of the Shadow Isles, which is the most terrible area in the League world.

Viego rules with horror and violence, and he’s shattered the souls of zillions on his own.

What’s more, to cap it all off?

Everything he comes into contact with is condemned to everlasting damnation, and black mist practically streams from his heart.

Despite his authority and the crimes he commits, it’s difficult to rank Viego first.

After all, behind the deadly insane monster is a guy with a wounded heart who simply wants to see his long-lost girlfriend.


1. Thresh

Thresh Original Skin in League of LegendsRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Thresh, the chain warden, is the most terrible, menacing, and cold-hearted champion in the game.

Thresh makes Jhin seem to be a peacemaker.

Thresh doesn’t only mutilate his victims’ bodies, after all. He mutilates their hopes, families, reasons for existing, and last, their souls.

And what happens once he claims their souls?

The agony continues unabated.

He imprisons every soul in his lantern for all eternity, forcing them to watch as he goes about his heinous deeds.

Bloodshed, agony, and inflicting unimaginable misery are all things Thresh enjoys.

He plays with everyone he meets, no matter who they are.

Thresh is, without a doubt, the most wicked League champion ever. And I doubt any future champion will be able to match his ruthlessness.

Let’s be honest:

His hook is also one of the game’s cruelest powers. It’s getting to be unbearable.

Note that this material was made utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games’ assets. This project is neither endorsed or sponsored by Riot Games.

Watch This Video-

League of Legends is a game that has many characters, some good and some evil. This article will rank the top 10 most evil LoL champions. Reference: league of legends evil characters.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the most evil LoL champion?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: That depends on who you talk to and what their point of view is. Some champions can be seen as evil, such as Riven or Evelynn for example, but other characters are more neutral in nature like Ziggs or Heimerdinger.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the top 10 league of legends champions?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: There are a lot of different champions in League of Legends, so it would be too hard to list the top 10. Here is a list with some popular ones”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the villain in LoL?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The villain in League of Legends is Baron Nashor.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the most evil LoL champion?

A: That depends on who you talk to and what their point of view is. Some champions can be seen as evil, such as Riven or Evelynn for example, but other characters are more neutral in nature like Ziggs or Heimerdinger.

What are the top 10 league of legends champions?

A: There are a lot of different champions in League of Legends, so it would be too hard to list the top 10. Here is a list with some popular ones

Who is the villain in LoL?

A: The villain in League of Legends is Baron Nashor.

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