Best Sims 4 Criminal & Thief Mods + CC (All Free) –

The Sims 4 is a game that has been around for many years and still remains very popular. It’s not just the games themselves, but the mods that people use to make their worlds more immersive and fun. There are so many different mods out there that it can be difficult to find one that you like or want to use. Here we will list some of our favorite mods that you can download and install into your game without paying any money!

The sims 4 criminal career questions is a question and answer blog post about the best Sims 4 Criminal & Thief mods, which are all free.

The Sims has long been recognized as a series that allows you to experiment with many aspects of life in an entertaining, although unrealistic, manner.

One of these options is to become a criminal.

Obviously, the majority of individuals do not want to try their hand at earning a livelihood illegally. It’s not just unethical, but it’s also very dangerous.

But none of it matters in The Sims 4.

You can build a digital thieving version of yourself just as simply as you can make an entire family of fictitious fraudsters.

Although the game already has a criminal career path, it may be a little lacking if you want to really personalize your delinquent experience. Thankfully, there are many of CC and modifications to pick from!


Magnolia Ski Mask No. 1

Take a Look At This CC

The ski mask is the most iconic piece of apparel in the thief’s outfit.

This Magnolia ski mask tries its best to appear trendy, despite the fact that it isn’t.

But, whether you like it or not, it’s an essential component of a criminal sim’s outfit, since it allows them to conceal their identity much more effectively than the dinky Walmart superhero costume masks available in Sims 4’s criminal job path.

This CC also includes 6 color swatches, allowing your sim to have a trademark color without being identified!


2. CC in the basement

Basemental Mod Preview (SFW) for The Sims 4@BluNero03 contributed this image.

Take a Look At This Mod

Crime is inextricably linked to drugs and alcohol, which are never absent from a crime scene!

However, The Sims 4 features no real alcoholic drinks in the game. And don’t even think about doing recreational drugs.

So, if you’re looking for a fast fix, the Basemental drugs and alcohol modifications are ideal (in the game, of course).

Your sims will be able to brew in their own houses, and it will include elements like money laundering, police raids, and other realistic run-ins with the law, in addition to a broad variety of drugs (and distinct affects to go with them).

It is not the goal of this mod to praise criminals.

Instead, it highlights the dangers of addiction – a topic best explored with your Sims in a virtual environment!


3. Unhidden Mob Boss Mod

Mob Boss Unhidden Mod / Sims 4

Take a Look At This Mod

For a criminal, becoming a mafia leader is a dream come true.

You get all of the glitz, all of the danger, and all of the rewards without having to get your hands filthy.

The mob boss clothes (which are concealed by default until you achieve a high enough level on the Criminal career path) are unhidden with this easy mod, which requires no further effort on your side other than installing it.

You may believe that utilizing modifications to unlock clothes is a bit cheap.

A genuine criminal leader, on the other hand, I don’t believe would care.

I believe they would seize every chance that presented itself to them and make the most of it! So, don’t you think you’ve earned it?


4. Outfit for a Prisoner

Prisoner Outfit / TS4 CC

Take a Look At This CC

Jumpsuits and bright colors are two of my favorite things.

Even the two of them together appeal to me.

But there’s no avoiding the fact that this bright orange prisoner uniform shouts “I commit fashion crimes (and other crimes, too).”

While it’s not suitable for daily usage, it’s ideal for portraying your sim as a ruthless criminal!

This CC is, predictably, exclusively for adults, which, in my view, is for the best.

I’m not sure I’d want to send baby Sue or Grandpa to Sims prison.

But just a heads up: if you wore this and weren’t recently released from prison, I’d have to contact the fashion cops.


Modification #5: Pickpocketing

Pickpocketing Mod for The Sims 4

Take a Look At This Mod

Pickpocketing is the poster child for slick crimes, except Michael Jackson.

It requires a delicate balancing act of dexterity, deception, danger, and reward – and the repercussions of failure may be far from pleasant.

And this pickpocketing mod does a much better job of capturing the experience than the original game does.

To begin with, anybody can do it.

To earn a little extra money as a pickpocket on the side, your sim doesn’t have to be a professional criminal (whatever that means).

Second, this mod cleans up all of The Sims 4’s original pickpocketing’s messy interactions.

There’s no longer a cooldown, no more uncomfortable conversations with the person you just stole from, and you may level up your pickpocket talent.


6. Teen Criminal Custom Career

Custom Career Mod / Teen Criminal / The Sims 4

Take a Look At This Mod

Teenagers may be a real handful.

Although they caused a racket in The Sims 2 (really, they were a ruckus), the teenagers in The Sims 4 are fairly underwhelming.

This patch aims to bring a layer of realism to the adolescent experience by including some teen crime.

Obviously, it isn’t a complete substitute for The Sims 2’s enjoyment, but it does offer a new dimension to the game. And it’s a lot more fun in TS4’s reality than it would be to have your child really violate the law!

With this mod loaded, your Sim adolescent will be able to engage in a variety of criminal activities, including pickpocketing, Internet fraud, and bank robbery. When they return home, though, their parents will have an opportunity to persuade them to give up their criminal lifestyle.


7. Working as a part-time criminal

Part-time Criminal Career Mod (TS4)

Take a Look At This Mod

Let’s be honest about this. Working full-time, regardless of your professional choice, is tiring.

So, why would a thief who violates both the law and societal norms and is constantly searching for methods to get around both want to work full-time?

It would be a lot simpler for them to conduct illegal job on the side while leading a regular life!

That’s exactly what you’ll get with this part-time mod.

It’s similar to the criminal profession currently available in the game, except the hours are cut in half.

Simple yet effective – just how a criminal should act.


8. Ward and Criminal Clothes

Criminal and Ward Clothes for The Sims 4

Take a Look At This CC

Nobody is super if everyone is super, as Sinestro put it.

And if everyone is a lawbreaker, there can’t be any laws to violate since there isn’t anybody to enforce them!

The two sides of the same coin are inmates and prison wards.

And with this CC, you’ll be able to outfit your Sims like both.

Is it the law or the criminals who will triumph? You make the call!

In any case, your Sims will be able to play the cat and mouse game that Cinderella’s mice and stepmother’s cat could only imagine.

The sims 4 criminal career levels is a list of the best mods for your sims. It includes mods that increase the crime level, as well as ones that allow you to create your own criminal careers.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Boss better than Oracle?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Boss is better than Oracle because they are faster and more powerful.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which Sims 4 degree is the best?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors that go into determining what degree is best for you. For example, some people may be more interested in the career they want to pursue, while others might be more concerned with their social life.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you make a lot of money as a criminal in Sims 4?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is possible to make a lot of money as a criminal in Sims 4. You can either be a good or bad criminal, and there are many different ways to go about it.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Boss better than Oracle?

Boss is better than Oracle because they are faster and more powerful.

Which Sims 4 degree is the best?

This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors that go into determining what degree is best for you. For example, some people may be more interested in the career they want to pursue, while others might be more concerned with their social life.

Can you make a lot of money as a criminal in Sims 4?

It is possible to make a lot of money as a criminal in Sims 4. You can either be a good or bad criminal, and there are many different ways to go about it.

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